Mon-Fri 9am-6pm
Our Team
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Mon-Fri 9am-6pm
online support
795 South Park Avenue
Mr.Ashutosh Kumar Das
Mr. Ashutosh Kumar Das is a Post graduate and is a well known Tribal leader having 20 years of working experience in tribal issue especially on strengthening of community organization and panchyatraj institutions.
Mr. Kailash Chandra Mahapatra
Mr. Kailash Chandra Mahapatra is having very good working experience on livelihood and sustainable agriculture.
Mr. Sushanta Garada
Mr. Sushanta Garada, a Master in Social Work has good experience in developmental sector and management of NGO as well as developing innovative strategies to address issues of Poverty, Livelihood,, Education, Health and other social issues.
Ms. Tahera Begum
Ms. Tahera Begum is Nursing Graduate in Health and good experience on Community Health.
Mr. Dharmendra Kalapan
Mr. Dharmendra Kalapan is having 15 experience in Finance management, Education and women related issues in the tribal district of Odisha.
Ms. Rajlaxmi Pujari
Ms Rajlaxmi Pujari has completed Graduate and she is the Experience of livestock management of the community.
Mr. Herakanta Suna
Mr. Herakanta Suna is a Graduate on Community mobilization, tribal studies and having 15 years of good experience in development.
Ms Sulekha Suna
Ms Sulekha Suna has been associated with development sector since 20 years. She has a vast experience on gender and health issues.
Ms.Kamali Bagh
Ms Kamali Bagh is a 15 years experience in development sector especially tribal livelihood & women empowerment.